Should I Buy a New, Remanufactured, or Rebuilt Starter or Alternator?
When your starter or alternator goes, you have a couple of options available. You can purchase a new alternator or starter, get a remanufactured one, or rebuild yours. All options provide you with a working system, but each comes with its own pros and cons that you should be aware of so you can make an informed decision.
At Superior Auto Electric & Parts, we specialize in starters and alternators. To help you make the decision that's best for you, we've outlined what's involved in each service.
New: A new starter or alternator provides you with a working system where all parts are at the same stage of wear and tear, but it's often the most expensive option.
Rebuilding: A rebuilt alternator or starter had its worn parts discarded and replaced with new or remanufactured parts. At Superior Auto Electric & Parts, we use an automatic parts washer on mechanical non-wear parts and housings. We also test electrical parts and load test all units with machines that simulate real operating conditions.
A rebuilt system won't have all its parts at the same state of wear and tear, but it's an affordable alternative to buying a new alternator or starter. You also get your own system back, so you know where its been and how hard its been worked. It's important to visit a skilled alternator rebuilder or starter rebuilder, because this service requires judgement and experience. Our technicians have years of combined experience, and we test all rebuilt systems for correct operation.
Remanufactured: A remanufactured starter or alternator has all parts re-machined or replaced compared to the ones that didn't work. Remanufacturing is an affordable alternative to a new system but more expensive than a rebuilt system.
Do you need an alternator rebuilder or starter rebuilder? Would you like a new system installed or a remanufactured one? Contact Superior Auto Electric & Parts today.
We're here to answer your questions and review your options. For more information, visit our Starters, Alternators, and Generators page.
Written on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 by Nicole Permalink |
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